"There Is No Other Way", a song by Dolo Coker from Third Down;Answer (1 of ) I don't remember where I first heard it, though I do believe it was in a movie (of course) "The worst thing in the world is not knowing why you are here", or something to that effect Everyone, for the most part, has the desire to fit in, either metaphorically or actually EveRealize you have a choice between fixed and growth Mindsets are just beliefs You can change your mind about your beliefs Refute the fixedmindset voice with a growth mindset The fixed mindset is a limited and misinformed viewpoint Challenge it with your new growthmindset knowledge Journaling is an excellent way to have this inner dialogue
A Civil Society Guide To The Resumed Session Of The 73rd World Health Assembly Wha73 9 14 November G2h2
There was no other way the world has to be fixed